This work might be best described as a "mixed media." Featuring a resingrave print by Dale made from wood pulp, abaca, cedar bark, and other natural fibers, it is presented with an overlay featuring molded paper objects, natural seaweed and shells by Sitka artist Mary Sarvela of Alaska Beach Treasures, circa 1996.

These Raven prints, c. 1978, are likely silkscreens. An altered Magic and Mischief represents the logo for Friends of the Juneau Public Libraries. The other was used for the Juneau Audubon Society monthly newsletter, up until their December 2018 issue.

Dale's wood engraving Raven in Love was commissioned by the State of Alaska for use on one of their heirloom marriage certificates.
Click here for more information.

Logo for Raven Radio, designed by Dale; c. 1979.

Sea Singers was created for this cover of Cricket, a children’s magazine.

This cotton scarf by DeArmond was originally designed as a holiday gift, for sale at the Scanlon Gallery in Sitka, Alaska; c. 1983.

This is a signed USPS Panex 20 (half shown), Gastineau Philatelic Society from 1980 featuring an unknown wood engraving by Dale.

Chronological examples of DeArmond’s signature on a handful of woodcuts, engravings, reproductions and silkscreens/serigraphs.

Advertisement from an ALASKA Magazine (August 1983) for a Raven Christmas Card.

Original painting by DeArmond; c. 1960.

Scarf with two puffins; c. 1983.

A pair of cups sponsoring Juneau's KTOO Public Media and a pair of mugs sponsoring Sitka's KCAW's Raven Radio, both featuring Dale's illustrations.

Several Nondalton Legend illustrations are shown at a trailhead of the Turnagain Arm Hiking Trail, located in the Chugach State Park just outside Anchorage, Alaska.

Illustrations for an Alaska Magazine article; c. 1978.
Over the years, DeArmond created a number of Christmas cards. These were often hand pulled personally by Dale and not generally available for purchase – they were given to close friends and family. Early examples date from the 1950s; a later example in 2000 was when the DeArmonds (Dale and her husband, Bob) announced that a reprint of the book The First Man would be a "Grand Finale" to her cards. They continued sending cards until at least 2003. These featured images Dale had already produced for her prints, but many were unique and exclusive to these cards. Her hand-pulled examples were often personalized, signed (or initialed) by Dale and/or Bob, and are rarely available on the open market. The following images represent a few of these cards.
DeArmond was commissioned by Scanlon Gallery in Sitka, Alaska (now closed; still operates in Ketchikan, Alaska) in 1983 to produce a series of Raven Christmas cards; shown below (red and dark navy-blue examples) are cards produced by Arrowhead Press from Sitka in 2003. Both series of cards were designed by DeArmond but were mass-produced and not personally pulled by the artist.