Wood Engraving
Dale DeArmond
Artist's Edition: 25
Edition of Artist Proofs: 2
Paper type: Archival quality
Print size: 9" x 12"
Image size: 6" x 8 ¾"
Hand pulled by the artist from the original endgrain maple blocks on an Ettan etching press at Sitka, Alaska, June, 1993.
Editor's note: a slightly altered version of this image is illustrated in the book My Song is Beautiful.
An Eskimo child wearing a flowered cotton kuspuk (parka cover) which her mother sewed on an ancient and treasured treadle Singer sewing machine and mukluks (boots) of caribou and walrus hide made for her by her grandmother, dances for sheer joy at the return of the light and fish and birds and whales, things which sustain life in the Arctic.
Original price: $80.00