Dale DeArmond
Artist's Edition: 30
Edition of Artist Proofs: 6
Print size: 17 ½" x 22"
Image size: 11" x 18"
Editor's note: the phrase Charlie is my darling has early Jacobite origins, to include a well-known and popular 1794 song by Robert Burns; there were also several later songs utilizing the same title. A 1965 Rolling Stone documentary film featuring the same name was, according to producer Andrew Oldham, titled as such because the film camera seemed to "favor" Stones' drummer Charlie Watts over the other members.
A synopsis of the early song lyrics: Charlie comes to town; he spies a lass. He runs up the stairs; she opens the door, and he sets her on his knee. The rest is left to imagination. Chorus: "Charlie he's my darling, my darling, my darling/Charlie he's my darling, the young Chevalier."
Features a cannery worker who was watching all the girls while all the girls were watching him.
Part of the "Naknek River" suite. Also see:
Fish Elevator – Naknek
Naknek River Cannery Line
Naknek Setnetter
Original price: $75.00