Wood Engraving
Dale DeArmond
Artist's Edition: 100
Edition of Artist Proofs: 10
Edition of Presentation Proofs: 10
Paper type: An all rag, neutral pH paper
Print size: 6 ½" x 9"
Image size: 3" x 5"
AKA: Eskimo Hunter
Hand pulled by the artist on an Ettan etching press at Juneau, Alaska, August, 1986.
Illustration for EAGLE WOMAN'S GIFT. Uvinic, the hunter, in a time of great hunger in the villages, killed and ate an eagle. After he had eaten he burned the bones and laid the feathers in prescribed pattern to pay honor to the eagle. Suddenly two giant eagles appeared and carried him off to Eagle Woman, guardian of the animals. Because Uvinic had never wasted meat or killed for sport and had respected the animals Eagle Woman gave him a magic sack to open when he reached his home village. When he opened it all the different kind of animals poured out and there was game for everyone.
Original price: $35.00