Wood Engraving
Dale DeArmond
Artist's Edition: 100
Edition of Artist Proofs: 10
Edition of Presentation Proofs: 10
Paper type: Arches cover white, a French made, all-rag, neutral pH paper
Print size: 7 ½" x 9"
Image size: 4" x 5"
AKA: Man
Hand pulled by the artist on an Ettan etching press at Juneau, Alaska, March, 1985.
Work-in-progress, A NORTHERN BESTIARY.
Long ago when the world was young and it was always summer, a young Eskimo woman chewed some spruce gum and made a little figure and stuck a raven's beak on it. She liked it so much she put it beside her when she went to sleep that night. When she woke in the morning there was First Man – wanting his breakfast.
Original price: $35.00