Dale DeArmond
Artist's Edition: 25
Edition of Artist Proofs: 6
Print size: 19" x 24"
Image size: 15" x 20"
Part of the Nondalton Legends series; for more information, click here.
Qunsha Sukdu'a: Ground Squirrel
– told by Antone Evan; gathered and translated by Joan M. Tenenbaum
Two women regularly hunted ground squirrels. One woman always snared large ones, the other only small ones. The latter got lost in the fog and rain and a ground squirrel invited her home. The woman crawled into the ground squirrel's home and saw a baby squirrel with her snare around its waist. She loosened and removed the snare and the baby could breathe normally again. When the sun came out the woman left the shelter of the hole and from then on snared only large ground squirrels.
Original price: $100.00