Wood Engraving
Dale DeArmond
Artist's Edition: 25
Edition of Artist Proofs: 2
Paper type: Archival quality – tan, textured
Print size: 6" x 7 ½"
Image size: 4" x 5"
Hand pulled by the Artist at Sitka, Alaska on an Ettan etching press – 3/96.
The faces of the old women
Are strong and sad.
They have lost children
To sickness,
To the icy waters
When a great bull walrus
Holed and sank the umiak.
Sometimes their men go out on the ice
To hunt seals
And never return.
Or die in a drunken brawl
In an Anchorage bar.
The old women survive.
They raise the children that are left.
They split the walrus hide
For a new umiak
With skilled and careful fingers
And sew it to the frame.
Sometimes they dance
In the kashim
During the long, dark winter night.
Original price: $60.00