Wood Engraving
Dale DeArmond
Artist's Edition: 25
Edition of Artist Proofs: 2
Paper type: Archival quality
Image size: 5" x 6"
Hand pulled by the artist from the original endgrain maple blocks on an Ettan etching press at Sitka, Alaska, June, 1992.
Editor's note: the certificate of authenticity for this title indicates five prints were pulled for a book edition; there is no evidence it was created. The image is featured in Raven Town AKA Sitka.
In Russian days of Sitka the ravens always knew when a ship was coming in and lined up on the roof of the "castle." The Native people attributed it to magic but the Russians thought the ravens had sighted the ship from the air and remembered that when a ship came in there would be feasting and parties at the castle and lots of food thrown out for ravens to find.