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Sunshine Man Story – #9 (1979-80)

Dale DeArmond
Artist's Edition: 25
Edition of Artist Proofs: 6

Print size: 19" x 24"
Image size: 15" x 20"

Part of the Nondalton Legends series; for more information, click here.

N'uyi Dnayi Sukdu'a: Sunshine Man
Long ago the people were looking for game but they could not find any, not even a ground squirrel. They had bad weather all the time and it kept raining and raining. One day a man came to the people. The sun shone right over him wherever he walked. The people told him of their plight. The sunshine man told them to follow his magic instructions so that the sun would come out and provide them with plenty of game animals again. They did what he said and good weather returned to them.

told by Antone Evan; gathered and translated by Joan M. Tenenbaum

Original price: $100.00