Wood Engraving
Dale DeArmond
Artist's Edition: 25
Edition of Artist Proofs: 2
Paper type: Archival quality
Print size: 8 ½" x 9 ½"
Image size: 5" x 6"
Hand pulled by the artist from the original endgrain maple block on an Ettan etching press at Sitka, Alaska, June, 1994.
Editor's note: the story attached to this print is related to Woman Who Turned into a Bear.
A Yupik folktale: Once long ago a man, a woman and their baby lived by a great river. The man was a good hunter and they lived very well. One day the man went over the hill to hunt. He kept going back and staying longer each time and at last the wife put on a bear skin and followed him. She discovered that he had another wife on the other side of the hill. She was so angered that she attacked them and left them lying on the ground. When she got home she rushed into the house and forgot to take off the bearskin and the baby was so frightened by the great angry bear that it turned into a tern and flew out the smoke hole. The mother tried to coax the baby to come to her but it just kept circling. At last the heartbroken mother wandered off and turned into a bear.
If you are out on the tundra and see a tern circling and circling you will know that there is a bear nearby.
Original price: $60.00