Wood Engraving w/blind embossing
Dale DeArmond
Artist's Edition: 100
Edition of Artist Proofs: 10
Edition of Presentation Proofs: 6
Paper type: Archival quality
Print size: 7 ½" x 9"
Image size: 4 ¼" x 6 ½" (includes embossing)
Image size: 3" x 5"
Hand pulled by the artist from the original endgrain maple block and handcut embossing plate on an Ettan etching press at Juneau, Alaska, July, 1989.
Editor's note: some prints do not feature the embossing. The image was illustrated in the book Feast of the Animals: An Alaska Bestiary, Volume II. It was also used in an annual Christmas card sent out by the DeArmonds in 2003.
An old raven sitting in the snow wishing it was spring.
Original price: $40.00