Dale DeArmond
Artist's Edition: 35
Edition of Artist Proofs: 5
Paper type: light tan
Print size: 12 ½" x 20"
Image size: 9 ⅛" x 16"
Editor's note: the regular-editioned print has a dark brown background, and at least one A/P print has a rusty red background.
We were with friends on their small cruiser and had just come up Chatham Strait with a rather nasty following sea. We pulled into Sitkoh Bay and tied up near the cannery and were sitting around, thankful to be tied up in a safe place. Then the whistle blew at the cannery and all of the women workers came out to go home for supper. Suddenly this wonderful Tlingit matron came along with her bundle, carrying a fish in her hand. I did a sketch right then and later cut a block and did a print. That was about 1961 and it's still one of my favorites.
– DeArmond on this print (from Alaska Journal, Autumn 1976)
Featured in the book Dale DeArmond – A First Book Collection of Her Prints.
Original price: $5.00